How to stay strong and coordinated as you age
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How to stay strong and coordinated as you age

So many physical abilities decline with normal aging, including strength, swiftness, and stamina. In addition to these muscle-related declines, there are also changes that occur in coordinating the movements of the body. Together, these changes mean that as you age, you may not be able to perform activities such as running to catch a bus,…

5 numbers linked to ideal heart health
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5 numbers linked to ideal heart health

How well are you protecting yourself against heart disease, the nation’s leading cause of death? A check of five important numbers can give you a good idea. “For my patients, I typically look at their blood pressure, blood sugar, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides values, and their waist circumference,” says Harvard Heart Letter editor-in-chief Dr. Deepak…

Skin in the game: Two common skin problems and solutions for men
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Skin in the game: Two common skin problems and solutions for men

When I was on the junior varsity basketball team in high school, I wasn't surprised when I developed a case of itchy, flaky athlete's foot. After all, I was an "athlete," so I assumed it was a sign of dedication and hard work. I was shocked when my mother told me the truth: it was…

Walnuts: A worthy addition to your daily diet?
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Walnuts: A worthy addition to your daily diet?

What can you add to a wide variety of foods, from cereals to salads, that’s crunchy, filling, and flavorful — and good for your heart? The answer is nuts. While all varieties of nuts are chock full of important nutrients, walnuts may be especially good for protecting cardiovascular health, according to a recent study in…

Embryo donation: One possible path after IVF
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Embryo donation: One possible path after IVF

For decades, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has enabled countless people to have children, often after years of disappointment. It’s a complex process, medically and emotionally. Those embarking on an IVF cycle are often laser-focused on the baby they long for. Most hope a cycle will yield several embryos, because it frequently takes more than one…

Acupuncture relieves prostatitis symptoms in study
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Acupuncture relieves prostatitis symptoms in study

Prostatitis gets little press, but it’s a common inflammatory condition that accounts for more than two million visits to doctors’ offices in the United States every year. Some cases are caused by bacteria that can be readily detected and treated with antibiotics. But more than 90% of the time, prostatitis symptoms (which can include painful…

Thinking about holiday gatherings? Harvard Health experts weigh in
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Thinking about holiday gatherings? Harvard Health experts weigh in

Get expert advice on gathering safely from Harvard Health Publishing. Spoiler alert: vaccination is key to helping keep everyone healthy. Below, our faculty contributors share their own plans and advice for safely enjoying the holidays this year while answering three important questions. Roger Shapiro, MD Associate professor of immunology and infectious diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan…

Recent study shows more complications with alternative prostate biopsy method
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Recent study shows more complications with alternative prostate biopsy method

If a screening test for prostate cancer produces an abnormal result, the next step is typically a biopsy. In the United States, this is almost always done by threading a biopsy needle into the prostate through the rectum. By watching on an ultrasound machine, doctors can see where the needle is going. Called a transrectal…